Every call made or received on Avorra is stored on the platform for future reference. The call logs are listed on the Dashboard page.
There might be cases where you may need to find some specific call details to look for and since the call logs can run into pages, you can use the filter options to search for the call logs.
To search for specific call logs, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Accessing the Dashboard
After logging on to Avorra, by default, the page is displayed with the call logs.
Step 2 - Using the filter options
On the Dashboard page, set the filter options to refine the call logs. The filter will be applied instantly.
The call logs can be filtered by:
- Type - Phone or Mobile
- Directions - Outbound or Inbound
- Status - Completed, No-answer, Busy, or Cancelled
- Date - Last 7, 14, or 30 days
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